Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011


After spending an hour with us, Stephen was able to carry him to the baby nursery! There was a news crews there taking video of all the babies. It was heart disease awareness day and the hospital had put red hats on all of them. JD didn't get to wear his very long because his blood sugar dropped very low - 11,12 & 17! If it's under 20 after the 3rd stick they get taken to the NICU. So off he and Stephen went with the nurse. After I was transferred to a new room and cleaned up, I was able to join them.

It seemed like things kept getting worse and worse. His oxygen level began dropping so he was placed on oxygen. His platelet count was low. The doctor was concerned about a bowel obstruction that showed up on an earlier ultrasound. He started spitting up so the doctor put a tube down his throat to suction out the fluid. And, he had an IV started. After a few hours and xrays, the doctor decided to have him transfered to Vandy NICU.

It was a rough few days! After a day at Vandy, they were talking about doing a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and possible infection going on somewhere but they weren't sure where. He had a little IV on his forehead. That was moved to his arm but not easily. It was two or three attempts! It was like torture because his veins were so small. Then every time they drew blood, they had to cut his foot and push the blood into a vile.

Many prayers were answered! His xrays started looking better and bowel seemed to be improving. He was passing gas and having bowel movements! His throid levels improved! No lumbar puncture and soon the IV was taken out! We were able to go home after 5 days in the NICU! His little face was red from the tape that held his oxygen tube in place. But we were so relieved to be coming home!

James David Crews is Here!!!!

We checked into the hospital at 5 am on February 4th to be induced. After getting checked in and everything going, the nurse checked me and I was dialated to a 5 already! And, as soon as I hit the bed the contractions started on their own. But with a little pitocin and the doctor breaking my water, it really went fast. He was born at 10:01 am! He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Working on JD's room!

We have spent several weeks trying to figure out what we wanted to do in his nursery. We ended up switching bedrooms around so that Lauren would have a bigger closet and JD would have a bigger room. Baby furniture takes up a lot of room!! After that was settled, we began thinking about decorating. We decided on a monkey/safari theme. Then, we found some cute wall sticker/clings on Etsy. They came all the way from Tel Aviv! So we left the room a cacky color and just put those on the walls. I think it turned out pretty good!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

James David Crews

We got a great report from our high risk doctor today! James David is growing ahead of schedule! We are 27 weeks and he is weighing in at 2 lbs 9 oz. We go back in 3 weeks for another ultrasound. Then, we start going twice a week for baby "well" checks. They will be making sure James David is still growing and active. They will also be checking my fluid levels. Dr. Collins wants to induce around 37 weeks so that will be anytime between January 30 and February 6. That's mainly to avoid any late complications on my part (preeclampsia). But so far, I am having no signs of that.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We are doing good!

Although I have the same medical issues (hyperthyroid, blood clotting and now gestational diabetes), we have them under control so far! The baby is growing a little ahead of schedule and at our ultrasound today the baby's estimated weight is 1 lb 6 oz!! I am 23 weeks and 2 days.

We are celebrating Lauren's 8th birthday this weekend! Time is really flying!